M.O.S.A.I.C. Retreats


M.O.S.A.I.C. Retreats

Established in 2023, the M.O.S.A.I.C. Retreats are designed to contribute directly to persistence, retention, and completion rates for minoritized groups, such as students of color and LGBTQ+ student populations, at UCCS. These retreats aim to address the navigation gap impacting minoritized students' persistence by modeling high-impact practices like ones found across scholarship and learning communities. Through these retreats we aim to strengthen community, affirm identity, and cultivate dynamic leaders to improve recruitment, retention, and completion of students from minoritized populations. 

M.O.S.A.I.C. 2024 Retreat Themes and Dates 

Image of the flyers promoting the 2024 retreats.

Camp MOSAIC: Surviving, Thriving, and Dreaming Beyond PWIs | Saturday, August 31st, 2024 | Registration opens on Friday, July 12th, 2024 and registration will close on Sunday, August 25th, 2024. | Camp MOSAIC is a day-long experience for students interested in community, multicultural life and leadership, and skill-building for a successful college journey! This is a free retreat for currently enrolled UCCS students and prospective students (minimum of 16 years old) interested in previewing UCCS. If accepted, students are expected to attend the full day. Students that cannot attend for the full day are encouraged to ask about other M.O.S.A.I.C. events instead of the retreat. Once students receive an acceptance email from MOSAIC@uccs.edu, all attendees are expected to attend a Camp Orientation session, complete a waiver and their "About Me" profile prior to the retreat to confirm their spot. 

Pride Con: Queer Activism | Saturday, October 5th, 2024 | Registration opens on Thursday, September 5th, 2024 and registration will close on Sunday, September 29th, 2024. | Pride Con is a day-long experience for students interested in exploring LGBTQ+ pride, Queer activism, and building community for a more fulfilling college journey! This is a free retreat for currently enrolled UCCS students and prospective students (minimum of 16 years old) interested in previewing UCCS. If accepted, students are expected to attend the full day. Students that cannot attend for the full day are encouraged to ask about other M.O.S.A.I.C. events instead of the retreat. Once students receive an acceptance email from MOSAIC@uccs.edu, all attendees are expected to attend a Pride Con Orientation session, complete a waiver and their "About Me" profile prior to the retreat to confirm their spot. 

Register for Camp MOSAIC by August 25th

Frequently Asked Questions - Camp MOSAIC
What is the purpose of this retreat?
Do I have to stay the entire time?
Where can I view the full Retreat schedule?
I am a high school student. How do I register?
Is transportation provided?
Does it cost money?
Are meals free?
Are facilities accessible?
Can I invite my friends?
Do I have to attend UCCS to participate in the Retreat?
Do I have to bring anything?
When will I receive confirmation of my sessions/schedule?
What if I change my mind and can’t attend?
Can I change my session preferences?
What if I need reasonable accommodation?
Will interpreters be available?
If the weather is bad, will it be cancelled?
Will this count for class credit?
Are there further opportunities after the Retreat?
Who do I contact if I have questions?