MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community and Program

Photo of Gateway 2021 cohort posing outside

Since 2010, the MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community has prepared students to think critically, maximize team-based learning, and master the skills needed to achieve a college degree. Throughout the GPS course we aim to deepen your understanding of your why and develop your lifelong skillsets to better navigate the how of college success. We will engage you in the college-level learning process with alumni speakers, leadership panels, career exploration workshops, interactive projects, and hands-on mentorship throughout your first year. This learning community helps students find the answers to questions such as: Who am I as a college student? What am I really passionate about? When will I be able to participate in internships? Where am I able to find more friends and new experiences? Why am I being advised to take certain courses? How am I going to pay for college? Ultimately, the MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community will be a partner in helping you navigate college, focus on learning, and transform your mind for lifelong success!

Fall 2024 | GPS 1010 / Section 007 / TUESDAY: 4:45 PM - 7:20 PM / Instructors: Eric Nissen, Whitley Hadley

Program Requirements

Photo of cohort 2022 posing outside

This GPS course is designed for major-intent students accepted into the MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community. Students are pre-selected for this community based on their high school academic work including cumulative GPA, college pre-requisites, and admissions essay. Students may also contact Director Hadley to be admitted into the course. 

Students in this GPS class will receive automatic admission into the MOSAIC Scholars Program (MSP) for the year. MSP is designed to support students with better navigating their UCCS experience. This program aims to equip students with an academic and professional toolkit through a series of professional and academic workshops, study hours, and field trips throughout the semester. Scholars that complete MSP will receive a personalized portfolio of program work, approval for the MOSAIC graduation stole, a letter of recommendation for future employment, and a certificate of completion. 

If you have questions about the MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community you can contact Director, Whitley Hadley via email, phone (719) 255 - 3040, or in person (University Center, room 110).