MOSAIC Gateway Program

MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community and Program

“You belong here. You matter. You can succeed.” 

Fall 2021 MOSAIC Gateway Cohort outside participating in service during Gateway Days.
Fall 2021 MOSAIC Gateway Cohort participating in service during Gateway Days.

Since 2010, the MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community has prepared students to think critically, maximize team-based learning, and master the skills needed to achieve a college degree. Throughout the course we will deepen your understanding of your why and develop your lifelong skillsets to better navigate the how of college success. We will engage you in the college-level learning process with alumni speakers, leadership panels, career exploration workshops, interactive projects, and hands-on mentorship throughout your first year. This learning community helps students find the answers to questions such as: Who am I as a college student? What am I really passionate about? When will I be able to participate in internships? Where am I able to find more friends and new experiences? Why am I being advised to take certain courses? How am I going to pay for college? Ultimately, the MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community will be a partner in helping you navigate college, focus on learning, and transform your mind for lifelong success! 

Fall 2024 | TUESDAY: 4:45 PM - 7:20 PM / Section 007 / Instructors: Eric Nissen, Whitley Hadley 

**Requirements: This course is designed for major-intent students accepted into the MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community. Students are pre-selected for this community based on their high school academic work including cumulative GPA, college pre-requisites, and admissions essay.

Students will also be enrolled in ENGL 1308: First Year Rhetoric and Writing as part of the learning community during the fall semester. The ENGL course is intentionally linked to the MOSAIC Learning Community to provide a holistic curricular experience and prepare students to better excel, from guided faculty support, in upper division courses in their academic pathway. Course description is listed below. 

Students in this GPS class will be required to participate in co-curricular activities outside of assigned classroom times such as service projects, student life activities, community events, career exploration workshops, scholarship preparation, and others. 

ENGL 1308: In your first core writing course, you will analyze texts written for diverse purposes and audiences. The courses all teach you to recognize texts’ rhetorical situation, to analyze arguments rhetorically, and to work within various writing processes. These rhetorical and process approaches will help you to develop your own critical thinking and academic writing abilities. Includes 1-credit Supplemental Academic Instruction to deepen learning of course material. | Fall 2024 Faculty: Michael Ferguson

If you have questions about the MOSAIC Gateway Learning Community you can contact Director, Whitley Hadley via email , phone (719) 255 - 3040 , or in person (University Center, room 110).

Scholarship Opportunity: The James C. Berger Family Second Chance Scholarship is a $2,000 award for incoming students who were conditionally admitted to UCCS through learning communities like the MOSAIC Gateway Program. These student’s academic credentials didn’t meet the minimum admission standard, however, they had other positive attributes or extenuating circumstances that led the admissions team to believe in their academic potential. This scholarship is renewable for up to six years and is awarded to students who are enrolled at least half-time. This scholarship is limited to Colorado residents. The deadline to apply is May 1st each year, via the Scholarships Application at 

"The assignments we completed in this class taught me things that I carry into all my classes. Having to go to the Excel centers for a grade was incredibly helpful because it showed me how useful the centers are. The instructors and peer mentors I've met through the class have been a huge help in my learning and are people I can count on when I'm struggling in my class." - Student in Cohort 2022
Photo of cohort 2023 hiking on Tava Trail.